An screen cap of Professor Jason Hickel (background extended by generative AI) speaking. In the top right there is the following quote in white letters: “A liberated Palestine means a liberated Middle East. A liberated Middle East means capitalism in the Core really faces a crisis and they will not let that happen.” Along the bottom of the image also in white letters is the following: "Professor Jason Hickel of the University of Barcelona " and "".

Transcript of Jason Hickel: Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism (Transnational Institute, Oct 2024)

“We’re in this incredible paradox where the world economy is just massively productive .. And, yet the vast majority of the human population lives in conditions of massive deprivation.”

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the left and Barak Obama on the right.

Embrace MLK, Reject Barack Obama. Why Leftists Need to Challenge the Scourge of Black Neoliberalism by Nick Cruse

I came upon this amazing article “Embrace MLK, Reject Barack Obama. Why Leftists Need to Challenge the Scourge of Black Neoliberalism by Nick Cruse” through Twitter, because I follow the guy, Nick Cruse SocialistMMA. Please take the time to follow him on Twitter and to read his great article. Here is a quote to get […]

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