An screen cap of Professor Jason Hickel (background extended by generative AI) speaking. In the top right there is the following quote in white letters: “A liberated Palestine means a liberated Middle East. A liberated Middle East means capitalism in the Core really faces a crisis and they will not let that happen.” Along the bottom of the image also in white letters is the following: "Professor Jason Hickel of the University of Barcelona " and "".

Transcript of Jason Hickel: Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism (Transnational Institute, Oct 2024)

“We’re in this incredible paradox where the world economy is just massively productive .. And, yet the vast majority of the human population lives in conditions of massive deprivation.”

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Me. Me. Me again in 37 minutes. Beating the dead horse of 'Capitalism is bad'.

Capitalism Q&A from Discord (June 2021)

Introduction This is the second Capitalism Q&A from Discord post I have written to answer a great set of questions and comments posted to my Discord server from one of my long time followers on my Twitch live stream where I talk leftist politics a few times a week. I was originally going to post my comments to Discord, […]

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Polyamory Symbol (infinity symbol over heart)

Polyamory is Like Capitalism by Caitlin Johnstone?

Introduction This post is a response to a tweet by Caitlin Johnstone whom I follow on Twitter (and Facebook) because she has some amazing leftist political takes. I would have posted this all to Twitter, but it was not allowing me to post a threaded response (and this was already getting long enough). I am […]

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Continuum of Capitalism (Oligarchy vs Communism vs Socialism)

Continuum of Capitalism, an Explanation

This post will discuss my set of Continuum of Capitalism infographics which were added to my post: The Cancer of Capitalism and Its Antidote. I want to explain this idea more because, in that post, I just post these two graphics and do not explain it or do I explain my ideas on economic systems at all. Keep in mind, that this post is speaking in very simplified and very broad and sweeping terms. 

If you have NOT read my Cancer of Capitalism post from above, then please go read it NOW!!

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Monorail that goes through the center of ALL TVP cities (The Venus Project)

How Do We Transform Unbridled Capitalism Towards a New Ethical and Eco-humanistic Model?

In reading, researching, and writing about a Resourced Based Economy (RBE) over the last year my complete view of the how the world is and how it could be has radically changed. This post will cover how businesses and entire industries could be transformed while attempting to make the world a better place by attempting to fix unbridled capitalism towards a more ethical model for businesses.

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TVP Closeup of Domes

Benefits of a Resource Based Economy for Industries and Businesses

In reading, researching, and writing about a Resourced Based Economy (RBE) over the last year my complete view of the how the world is and how it could be has radically changed. This post will cover how businesses and entire industries could be transformed while attempting to make the world a better place by attempting to fix unbridled capitalism towards a more ethical model for businesses.

The end result for manufacturing, businesses, and research is beyond what we would define as businesses or even government, because it transcends these, and eventually requires the end of capitalism and its horrors, so thinking of business in a way that is outside how capitalism defines it can be a difficult feat. If you have not read my previous posts on Resource Based Economies and watched those documentaries then you may want to do that, so that you have the background to understand what I am talking about. Here are links to those posts:

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Model of a TVP City

Productivity and Motivation in a Resource Based Economy?

I am writing this post in response to a question posed by Tyler Suard (an economics major) in my Facebook thread about a RBE where I posted a link to my blog post The Cancer of Capitalism and Its Antidote. I am writing this post to help solidify my thoughts and understanding on this issue which also, conveniently, helps to answer his question about productivity and motivation in a Resource Based Economy (RBE).

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