Social and Political Issues1 min read POLITICSInterstellar New DealSystemic Suppression with America’s Two Party SystemLesser of Two-Evils Voting is Antithetical to DemocracyWhy you need to vote in EVERY Single Election!My Policies for Electoral ReformHow Do We Transform Unbridled Capitalism Towards a New Ethical and Eco-humanistic Model?RELIGIONMinistryExaminer ArticlesReligion, an OverviewMorality without Religion?SEXUALITYGay MarriagePolygamyProstitutionPolyamoryRELATIONSHIPSUnderstanding and Managing JealousyThe Implied Monogamous Relationship Agreement (IMRA)Polyamory, Jealousy, and the Eight Walls of Intimacy