Sea of Vote Buttons

Why you need to vote in EVERY… Single… Election!

Disillusioned with our corrupt government and broken electoral system? Are politics dirty, unconscionable, horrific, and you cannot even stand the thought of watching another candidacy ad or debate? Does the thought of politics make your stomach turn? When a politician speaks do you always expect to see their horribly forked and reptilian tongue? Do you think that politicians don’t really care and don’t represent you? Feel like your vote does not matter… at all!?!

Believe me, I get it. I did not vote for many years and I did not care at all about politics because of thoughts like those… until my 30’s when I really started to care about one issue in particular which sparked a raging fire in me that has not subsided to this day.

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"But the third parties split..." "Blame the system and not the people"

If you are angry with a “Third Party Split” then you have no idea what is going on.

With America’s 2018 mid-term electoral cycle and other electoral cycles where the US’s few major 3rd parties (Green Party and Libertarian) consistently’ish on the ballots and affecting the electoral result, some of you are blaming these 3rd parties for their party’s loss. If you are doing this then you have no idea what is going and you are pissed at the wrong thing. You need to get your self woke! I am not even kidding here. Your ignorance is hurting us all.

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My Quote - Post Nomination Revolution

The Revolution Following Clinton’s Theft of the Democratic Nomination

To all of my fellow Berners out there – I know we all feel a soul-crushing sorrow with Bernie’s call for a vote for Hillary for president on the floor of the Democratic National Convention which ushered in the completion of her theft of the nomination a few weeks ago. I arrived in the baggage […]

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Bernie’s Endorsement of Hillary Clinton and the Real Beginning of the Revolution

To all of my fellow Berners out there – I know we all feel a soul-crushing sorrow with Bernie’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton yesterday (Tue, 12 July 2016) at a rally In New Hampshire. Rage Against… We felt the stabbing knife of betrayal when Elizabeth Warren betrayed her progressive values to vehemently endorse Hillary […]

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