NaNoWriMo 2013 Participant

Attempting to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

OK everyone…. I am going to attempt to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) which is all through the month of the November (Nov 1 -30). The challenge is to write a 50k word novel in one month. I think 50k words is technically classified as a novella, visit this site but whose counting […]

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The Apology: The Church could start by asking for forgiveness.

The following article titled ‘The Apology’ is pulled directly from Dr. Stewart Edser’s Website ‘Being Gay, drugs Being Christian’. I felt compelled to reproduce his wonderful article for posterity, if, for some reason, his should go off-line. Please do not read it here. Click on over to his site Being Gay, Being Christian The Apology Here […]

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Google Glass Features: How Medical Uses Will Revolutionize Your Healthcare [VIDEO]

Here is a great article with videos from Medical Daily (mar 2013) titled ‘Google Glass Features: How Medical Uses Will Revolutionize Your Healthcare [VIDEO]‘ which goes over the ways the Google Glass is set to revolutionize health care.

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Busy Week for Same-Sex Marriage in the Supreme Court

This week on Tuesday and Wednesday we had the Supreme Court final hearings on California’s Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage of Act (DOMA), page respectively. These are the final hearings prior to the Supreme Court’s final decision which should be given sometime near June (possibly unless they dismiss the cases due to lack […]

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Declaration of Principles from Babylon 5

This is the text of the Declaration of Principles as written by the character G’Kar in an episode from the science fiction series Babylon 5, a Star Trek spin-off. These are powerful words and quite applicable to a liberal theology. I think here is the actual reading from the series. The universe speaks in many […]

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Life Partners Who Aren’t — And Never Will Be — Lovers

Here is a great link talking about a nontraditional family structure where people find others to raise kids with, without romance messing things up: Life Partners Who Aren’t — And Never Will Be — Lovers  (Buzz Feed) At 40, Dawn Pieke had just broken up with a live-in boyfriend who cheated on her, story but she […]

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The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality [video]

This is sad but true. The Tea Part has no real grasp on what America really is or who our founders really are. They claim to be Christians and hide behind claims of righteousness, but violate Jesus’ words at every turn. Hypocrisy and fundamentalism at it worst. Matthew Vines speaks on the theological debate regarding […]

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