The Tao of Entropy (expanding) and Syntropy (contracting) The Tao of Entropy (expanding) and Syntropy (contracting)

The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems34 min read

Physics Politics Resource Based Economy Science

published: Monday, 17 July 2023
last edited: 23 Dec 2024 – added a Malcom X quote
version: 1.22


A. Post Genesis

If you want to know who to blame for this post, then blame an episode of the Moneyless Society podcast I watched late last year (~Oct 2022) where one of the hosts mentioned the phrase “syntropic farming” and I had no idea what that was, so I researched it. And, then I was like “Syntropy, entropy? Is that a thing? Is there a relationship?”. And, then it exploded into this post.

B. Post Overview

In this post we will discuss the Conservation of Energy as well as looking at Entropy and Syntropy and how they apply to human social systems and human civilization in our effort to maintain our societies, economies, and the environment. This is really getting into interdisciplinary thinking, specifically the intersection of the laws of physics as they apply to human social systems. Be prepared for a mind bend. My mind is still bent from researching and writing this.

This conversation will covered in the following two major sections:

  1. A Quick Trip Through Three Parts of Physics
  2. The Effect of the Three Parts of Physics within Human Social Systems

C. Quotes are NOT Repeated Content

All quotes in my content are NOT repeated content. Having quotes within a page that repeats content on the page absolutely annoys the crap out of me because it wastes my precious time and brain cycles, so you will see quoted text only once and are an integral part of the post’s content.

I. A Quick Trip Through Three Parts of Physics

A. Conservation of Energy

1. What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?

The first thing we need to cover is The First Law of Thermodynamics (or The Law of Conservation of Energy). We will cover 4 basic ways we can describe it so we can start to wrap our heads around this concept:

Figure 1 - The Total Energy of the Universe Never Decreases - Peter Atkins
Figure 1 – The Total Energy of the Universe is Constant – Peter Atkins
  1. Universal Energy is Constant – The energy found at the very beginning of the universe is the same as the energy found today within the universe.

    This concept is exemplified by the graph in Figure 1 by famed chemist Peter Atkins which has the following title: “1. The total energy of the universe is constant.”. It has time on the the x-axis (right) with 3 data points from Year dot (0,0), Now (about a third down the x axis), and Eternity (at the end of the x axis). The y-axis (up) is Energy which has a straight line going across at about half way showing that energy is constant throughout time. It also has a thought bubble emerging from the Energy line which asks “What energy crisis?”.
  2. Conservation – Within any given system, its energy is always constant or conserved.

    If energy levels increases by 5% in one area, then energy levels must decrease by 5% in other area(s) so that universal energy is conserved.
  3. Manifestation – Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.
  4. Equation – You can also think of it in equation form:

    1 = (increasing energy) + (decreasing energy)

One last powerful thing we should mention is Einstein’s equation E=mc2 which basically states that mass is energy.

2. The Important Implications

All is One.

James O’Neill

The 2 major implications from the Law of Conservation of Energy is:

  1. The Law of Conservation of Energy is the Law of Interdependence because an increase here will mean a decrease over there and on and on, as the change propagates throughout systems, loops and feedback loops within a given system. All things are interconnected and interdependent.
  2. This sets reality up such that we should look at all things through the lens of Systems Theory because all things are a single interconnected and interdependent system.

We will go over the implications of this concept more within the following sections on Entropy and Syntropy, as well as in the final part of this post, part IV.

B. Entropy

1. What is Entropy?

The Second Law of Thermodynamics talks about Entropy, which goes something as follows:

  • Left alone, the state of entropy of the entire universe (or any given enclosed system) will always increase over time.

Or, as the famed British chemist, Peter Atkins has said:

“Entropy is simply a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. In fact, you can think of it as nature’s tax. Left unchecked, disorder increases over time. Energy disperses, and systems dissolve into chaos. The more disordered something is, the more entropic we consider it.” 

Professor Peter Atkins, (Professor of Chemistry, Oxford University)
Figure 2 - Entropy of the Universe Never Decreases - Peter Atkins
Figure 2 – Entropy of the Universe Never Decreases – Peter Atkins

This concept is exemplified by the graph in Figure 2 by famed chemist Peter Atkins which has the following title: “2. The entropy (disorder) of the universe never decreases.”. It has time on the the x-axis (extending from left to right) with 3 data points from Year dot (0,0), Now (about a third down the x axis), and Eternity (at the end of the x axis). The y-axis (extending from bottom to top) is Entropy. There is an exponential curved line starting from 0,0 and going up to a place before Eternity. It also has a thought bubble emerging from the entropy line which states “We have an entropy crisis!”.

Figure 3 - This is a four-panel black and white comic: This is why we do not teach our children about entropy until much later... Panel 1: Parent: Looking at child near a wall shelf with vases and one has fallen and broken next to the child. A soccer ball is also near the child. "What happened here?" Child: "Entropy!" Panel 2: Parent: Parent, with hands on head in exasperation, is looking at the child who is attempting to do dishes with soap bubbles overflowing volumniously onto the floor. "What's this mess!?" Child: "Entropy!" Panel 3: Parent: Looking at child standing next to a toy chest which has toys overflowing onto the floor. "How did this happen?" Child: "Entropy!" Panel 4: Parent: Looking at child standing next to a garbage can which has tipped over with garbage flowing on the the floor, and dog is sitting near by. "Let me guess..." Child: "Entropy!"
Figure 3 – This is a four-panel black and white comic:

This is why we do not teach our children about entropy until much later…

Panel 1:
Parent: Looking at child near a wall shelf with vases and one has fallen and broken next to the child. A soccer ball is also near the child. “What happened here?”
Child: “Entropy!”

Panel 2:
Parent: Parent, with hands on head in exasperation, is looking at the child who is attempting to do dishes with soap bubbles overflowing voluminously onto the floor. “What’s this mess!?”
Child: “Entropy!”

Panel 3: Parent: Looking at child standing next to a toy chest which has toys overflowing onto the floor. “How did this happen?”
Child: “Entropy!”

Panel 4:
Parent: Looking at child standing next to a garbage can which has tipped over with garbage flowing on the the floor, and dog is sitting near by. “Let me guess…”
Child: “Entropy!”

Over time, all of existence whether a living creature, a form of inert matter, or a social system will naturally shift from a state of higher energy, order, complexity, or unity to a state of lower energy, order, complexity, or separation eventually reaching a diffuse equilibrium with its background environment. This loss, diffusion, or breakdown of matter, energy, or systems is called Entropy and it is an inviolable law of existence. No matter what happens, Entropy – the disorder, diffusion, or separateness and/or the lowering of energy states – will always increase. This is the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Within physical systems, Entropy can manifest as an Entropy Tax, degrading the system slowly over time resulting in disorder, inefficiency, and systemic breakdown. This Entropy Tax manifests as energy or work lost as:

  • light
  • heat
  • sound
  • friction or resistance
  • physical material

… all of which reduces its efficiency. 

2. Terms that can Describe Entropy

Some of the terms that could be used to describe these more diffuse, lower energy, lower ordered, or separated states:

  • divergent transformation
  • separation, division
  • breakdown, decay, rot, sickness
  • cessation, death, senescence
  • diffusion, disorder, chaos
  • discord, disharmony, disequilibrium

3. How Entropy Increases

Here are some ways to increase Entropy:

  1. Decreasing Density – such as state changes from: solid to liquid to gas to plasma decreases its density at each state change.
  2. Loss of Energy – Something that is hot or high energy loses its energy to become equal to background levels.
  3. Breakdown – Breaking or dividing something down into smaller parts such as erosion or decay – a coffee cup shattering on the ground.
  4. Spreading – Spread something out over a larger area such as a cup of coffee spilling onto the floor.
  5. Chaos and Noise – Increasing randomness or adding noise to a ordered system such as a picture.

4. Examples of Entropy

Here are some examples of increasing Entropy within the physical world:

  1. Living Things – As another example, a human being or any other living thing which is just standing in one spot doing nothing will eventually die of malnutrition and lack of exercise. Without eating and drinking (adding energy) all organisms will eventually die. Their bodies will eventually shut down and then slowly decay away to be claimed by bacteria, insects, and mushrooms (significantly increasing its diffusion into the environment and its level of entropy) and then eventually worn away through the environment. We come from stardust and to dust we shall all eventually return.
  2. Mountains – Over time, mountains will be worn down through the winds, snow, rains, lichen, the warmth of the sun and cold of the night into boulders, which then eventually get turned into rocks and then rubble, and then pebbles into dust. (breakdown)
  3. Hot Cup of Coffee – If you take a steaming hot cup of coffee and leave it out on the counter for 2 days, what has happened to it when you get back to it? The work (energy) added to the coffee to make it hot (high energy) has dissipated into the room’s lower background temperature (lower energy), which results in the formerly steaming coffee’s temperature achieving equilibrium with its lower temperature environment, and it has become cold(er).  If you want your coffee to maintain its high energy state (hot temperature) over time then you have to keep adding energy (heat) to it in order to keep its energy state from lowering through entropy acting upon it over time.
  4. Physical Systems – Over time, Entropy within a collective physical system is increased through inefficiencies which are lost as heat, light, sound, or smaller parts of it coming off through erosion and decay.
  5. Cosmic Expansion – The universe is expanding (cosmic density is decreasing) and we are losing the ability to see more and more of the cosmos each day, so that eventually, in billions and billions (maybe even trillions) of years, the skies will be completely black lost over the cosmic horizon and we will only ever be able to see our own sun if even that it is still around. This is the Mystery That Keeps Neil deGrasse Tyson Up At Night (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Jan 2018 @ ~7 min). And even then, our sun (and all other stars) may turn into a lightless iron stars too through Entropy.
“These once glimmering eternal points of light within the vast darkness of space now snuffed of their seemingly perpetual light, shifting Humanity and existence into a new gloaming age of infinite darkness and iron stars, of civilizations at the end of time.”

Free Xenon (James O’Neill)

5. The Important Implications

This is a powerful quote which really puts Entropy into a new light:

Disorder is not a mistake; it is our default.
Order is always artificial and temporary.

Shane Parrish
a. Change is Eternal and Inviolable

Because (1) all things are Interdependent and (2) Entropy is always increasing, this means that change is always happening. Change is an eternal and inviolable Law of Existence.

b. Reality has an Entropic Bias

Because (1) all things are Interdependent and (2) Entropy is always increasing in all things, this continuously pushes all things towards diffusion, separation, and breakdown which means that “negative” or Entropic Change is always happening, that reality has an Entropic bias

Due to the laws of physics in this universe, Entropy is easy. Entropy is the path of least resistance. This means that it is always easier to destroy than it is to create. All it takes is for something to exist and then Entropy will effect it over time wearing it down all the way to its atomic parts.

Existence is always subject to systemic and structural separation and breakdown through continuous increases in Entropy which requires a consistent expenditure of focus, organization, and energy in order to resist its inevitable march, and to maintain order and unity within a system. 

If you think about it, this is why:

  • humanity has harnessed the power of fission (splitting atoms to release energy) which is dirty and destructive came first while Fusion (collect and compress atoms together, more efficient, and cleaner) is still the ever present 30 years away
  • if you eat crap food consistently for a week or two you will gain weight, and then it will take several months to get that weight off, and then a lifetime of effort to keep it off

6. Learn More

C. Syntropy (A.K.A. Negentropy)

1. What is Syntropy?

Originally coined as Negentropy which is a portmanteau of ‘negative entropy’, Syntropy through converging entropy, seeks systemic and structural unity, or higher states of complexity, order, or energy. Syntropy and its manifest entities are finite and localized resulting from convergent transformation within the broader scope of the entropic background environment.

Here are some other ways to explain Syntropy:

  1. The appearance of order out of chaos.
  2. The self-organizing tendency of matter, over long periods of time.
  3. The tendency towards greater complexity and harmony that occurs naturally and counteracts the universal law of entropy, in living systems as well as inanimate entities.

Here is a quote:

This process initiates the conflict between entropy and syntropy: while entropy has inflated the universe towards infinite (diverging waves), syntropy (converging waves) forces living systems to be finite and localized. Comparing the infinite of the environment (entropy) and finite of the living system (syntropy) produces a results which tends to zero:”

page 4 of Syntropy, the Law of Complementarity and Unity (7 pg Word doc)

2. Terms That Describe Syntropy

  • convergent transformation
  • convergence, unity
  • life supporting, healing, health, sustained
  • concentrated, ordered, complex
  • high energy
  • harmony, equilibrium

3. How Syntropy Increases

Here are some ways to increase Syntropy:

  1. State Change – a state change from plasma to gas, liquid to solid increases its density at each state change
  2. Temperature Change – Increasing its density such as through an decrease in temperature.
  3. Collecting – things into a larger collective entity or smaller space
  4. Regenerating – regenerating, fixing, or maintaining the integrity of a system
  5. Noise – Decreasing randomness or decreasing noise to a ordered system such as sharpening or removing noise from a picture.

4. Examples of Syntropy

Below I will show some examples of of increasing syntropy, but in order to make that happen, we also have to show increases in entropy, because entropy increases have to precede syntropy increases because organization of matter into unitary forms requires materials with which to form itself.

Example 1 – Cosmic Evolution – The creative engine of the evolution of the universe and all that is in it from the stars to the planets and moons, and the nebulae. They all formed as matter came together to form more order within the universe. This is all very simplified, but this give you an idea:

  1. Big Crunch bringing together all matter in the universe into 1 tiny space (maximum syntropy)
  2. Big Bang which gave light, heat, sound, and radiation, and greatly increased the entropy of the matter contained by spreading it out and forming massive heated plasma clouds (high levels of entropy).
  3. The super heated plasma clouds cool down (decreasing entropy) to form more dense clouds of simple gasses (increasing syntropy).
  4. These cooler simple gasses condense close enough through gravity, which then coalesces into stars increases gravity even more pulling even more gasses into it (greatly increasing syntropy).
  5. These first stars forge new heavier elements (increasing syntropy) and then eventually explode (greatly increasing its entropy) and then spread newly formed more complex gas and heavier elements around the universe.
  6. Which then collect in an area enough to form gravity which pulled those heavier gasses close eventually which then coalesced into rocks and meteors, then more stars, planets, and moons within galaxies.

Example 2 – The Circle of Life – sun (syntropy) ->emits light and heat (expanding entropy) -> which is absorbed by plants to sustain itself and grow (syntropy) -> which are eaten by cows and other animals (increasing entropy) to sustain themselves and grow (syntropy)-> which are themselves killed (entropy) -> and turned into hamburgers (syntropy) -> a pregnant female eats (entropy) -> to grow a baby (syntropy) -> which consumes food (entropy) and spends energy to maintain itself (syntropy)-> dies and is reclaimed by the environment (maximum entropy)

Example 3 – Black Holes and White Holes – In many ways black holes are the ultimate expression of converging matter and energy (syntropy), which may then emit all of that energy concentrated matter through its evolution into a theoretical white hole phase (increasing entropy) or a quasar (increasing entropy).

5. The Important Implications

a. Entropy Must Precede Syntropy

Localized order (Syntropy) can emerge only if large scale disorder (Entropy) preceded it. You cannot build a house (Syntropy) without various disparate materials (hammers, nails, 2x4s, screws, drywall, siding, insulation, etc) are present (Entropy).

b. Syntropy is Only Temporary

Decay and breakdown are the default end of all things when left to the dispassionate hands of time and entropy.

Syntropy is much more difficult. It takes more energy to create and maintain a unitary organism, to heal, or to create something anew. It takes more energy to maintain the health of an organism or system whether social, political, or other, otherwise it will naturally tend towards separation, discord, dysfunction, disequilibrium, and breakdown. The only way to compensate for the eternal losses or changes due to Entropy’s erosion is by continuously add work/energy to maintain the “order” and health of the system. Without the proper energy or work being continuously added to a give entity it will always breakdown over time due to the force of Entropy.

6. Learn More

II. The Effects of the Three Parts of Physics within Human Social Systems

A. Introduction

1. My Political Leanings and Biases

Before we get into what this all means within human social systems, I just want to make sure you have some idea as to where I stand politically and what my biases are so that you can take what I will talk about here with a grain of salt (if needed) as we attempt to put it all into perspective.

I identify as a radical leftist, although your mileage may vary especially on the “radical” part. Republicans are far right-wing and Democrats are a moderate conservative and controlled opposition party in our one-party system, with the people (the 99%) having no political representation at all. You can check out the graphs on Political Compass which will put that into perspective.

If you want to read more about where I am politically, of course you can read more on this website, but you can also specifically check out the following posts which cover electoral issues within the US’ one-party system:

…as well as the following over 120+ pages of posts on Capitalism and Resource Based Economies:

And, lastly, if you are bored after all that, you can check out my political policy site which has over 200 pages of policies and other information:

2. Section Overview

Ok, so, what does The Law of Conservation or Energy, Entropy, and Syntropy have have to do with human social systems? Well, some of you may already begin to see where I am going with this from what was written in those respective sections above, but I tried to keep it as politically neutral as I could so that those sections could be useful in-and-of-themselves even if you do not agree with my political views here.

We will look at what the new vocabulary terms stated above mean within our political and social systems as well as what the impact is of the 3 physics topics we covered above mean within our political and social systems too. We will also talk about the larger scale implications.

This section will cover the following sections:

  1. Quick Review of The First Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, and Syntropy
  2. Some Useful New Vocabulary
  3. Physic’s Effect within Human Social systems

B. Quick Review of Conservation of Energy, Entropy, and Syntropy

1. Quick Review of The Law of Conservation of Energy

With the First Law of Thermodynamics, which is the Law of Conservation of Energy, we have the following implication:

  1. We should look at all things through the lens of Systems Theory because the entirety of time and space within our reality is a single interconnected and interdependent system.

2. Quick Review of Entropy

With Entropy we have the following implications:

  1. Change is eternal and inviolable.
  2. Reality has an Entropic bias.

3. Quick Review of Syntropy

With Syntropy we have the following implications:

  1. Entropy must precede Syntropy.
  2. Syntropy is only temporary.

C. Some Useful New Vocabulary

I am going to attempt to loosely define some words which might be useful to add to our collective vocabulary going forward:

Root word – Syntropy:

Syntropath (noun)
one who supports or acts in Syntropic ways
Syntropathy (noun)
of or being Syntropic
Syntropic (adjective)
acting or effecting the world in a Syntropic manner

Root word – Entropy:

Entropath (noun)
one who supports or acts in Entropic ways
Entropathy (noun)
of or being Entropic
Entropic (adjective)
acting or effecting the world in an Entropic manner

D. Physics’ Effects Within Social Systems

1. Introduction

This section will be covered the following topics:

  1. Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems
  2. Everyone is Fighting a Battle…
  3. Kindness are Inclusion are Rebellious, Radical, and Political Acts
  4. Organization and Energy Required for Syntropic Movements and Organizations

2. Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems

a. Introduction

In order to have a useful conversation we will need to talk about what Entropy and Syntropy look like when applied to human systems. Below is a quick summary of both concepts:

  • Entropy is characterized by results which divide, separate, or wear down or destroy existing systems and life. Entropy is the path of least resistance.
  • Syntropy is characterized by results which bring things closer together, increase inclusion, maintain the integrity of existing systems, heal existing systems, or which give birth to new systems. Syntropy is always temporary.

As establish above, because the laws of physics, reality has an entropic bias making Entropic actions and results the path of least resistance. It is always easier to engage oneself in Entropic beliefs, actions, and organizations, than it is to unify, maintain a systems integrity, or to heal it. When we look at the world today through this lens you will start to see this awful truth: that Entropic people, beliefs, organizations, and systems are everywhere, and that anything that could be construed as being Syntropic has to fight like hell to have any chance to exist or to even start to make a positive change in the world, and/or it does not last long.

b. Examples of Entropy within Human Social Systems

All harm that humanity inflicts upon the world is a cry for connection.

James O’Neill, The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems

Here are some macro scale examples of Entropy within today’s world which are all to easy to think of:

When you call yourself an indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief,m by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political part or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political part or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
– Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • War is the ultimate expression of Entropy through at least 2 groups seeing themselves separate enough to be willing to murder each other, to the destroy lives, resources, infrastructure, and the environment.
  • Nation states, religions, businesses, and the toxicity of individualism which separate us from each other. This also brings up the concept of “labels as violence”.
  • Capitalism, monetary systems, and methods of exchange are Entropic because they pit us against the each other through competition via what I call the Tension within Methods of Exchange.
  • Systemic and structural classism, racism, and misogyny separate us and destroy the very fabric of society and create violent sociopathic tribalism, exploitation, and inequality.
  • Businesses and countries compete only for Profit Mo Matter the Cost to Humanity or the Natural World which are detrimental to and/or destroys existing systems such as we see through the visceral harms of inequality, the concentration of wealth, poverty, and pollution and climate change.
  • Extreme Conservatism (Republicans) and Moderate Conservativism (Democrats) are the dominant and most influential political ideologies which separate, exploit, and attack others through genocide, imperialism, colonialism, and classism, and all of the horrors we expect from Capitalism running rampant through the world today.

The list here can go on about the examples of Entropic, systems, ideals, organizations, or people because Entropy and its systemic devastation is everywhere in the world today! We must remember that it is easy to be Entropic for it is the path of least resistance within the laws of physics.

These manifestations of Entropy are also visceral self-defense mechanisms to promote and maintain the progress of Entropy within the system as well as to push the system further out of balance to accelerate the rate of destruction and disequilibrium, and to work towards ensuring that the effect of any Syntropy will be limited and short lived.

c. Examples of Syntropy within Human Social Systems

Syntropy, however, is much harder to find examples of, especially long term examples of because eventually they will be corrupted and torn down, but below are some examples. As you may see for some of these, Entropy will proceed many of these Syntropic movements.

Every… single… civil rights movement throughout history which seek to undo the horrors of our Entropic systems and reality, such as are listed below:

  • The Civil War and the Women’s Suffrage Movement
  • Resource Based Economies, the Labor Movements, as well as the movements for Socialism and Communism all of which sprung out as reactions to the exploitive and tyrannical horrors of Capitalism.
  • The Humanist and Secularist movements which sprung out from the horrors and devastation of fundamentalist Christianity, especially from within the throws of Capitalism.
  • Environmental movements and circular economy movements
  • Cooperative and sharing movements, and universal services movements
  • Open borders movements
  • Anti capitalist, imperialist, and colonialist movements
  • LGBTQ+ and disability movements

All of these have/are fighting against the dominant Entropic systems that control the world today and have violence inflicted upon them as they seek to create a more interdependent, interconnected, holistic, and inclusive society. These movements evolve as a sort of a Syntropic systemic autoimmune response in order to attempt to restore a more sustainable balance and to maintain the health and integrity of their living systems.

3. Everyone is Fighting a Battle…

We are ALL victims of sociopathic and Entropic social and economic systems, even rich and corporations who I affectionately refer to as “the predatory class”. You can read more about this here: The Harms of Inequality. And, because of this fact, I have been saying this a lot, especially on my Twitch live stream:

Everyone is messed up in their very own, special, snowflake way.

James O’Neill

Also, here is that amazing quote who we have no idea who really said it, but that Robin Williams is most attributed, that goes something like this:

Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Be kind.

Robin Williams

Here is a power quote from the late, great Michael Brooks:

Be ruthless to Systems.
Be kind to people

Michael Brooks

4. Kindness and Inclusion are Rebellious, Radical, and Political Acts

Because the lure to the Dark Side within the horrors of an Entropic universe is so strong, being a kind, good, and inclusive person is really an accomplishment, and is really a radical act of rebellion. Let us all join this Syntropic rebellion of kindness and inclusion just to make the world a better place. If you can be anything, be the singular point of light within your community. Shine bright so others know that is OK, and that they are not alone, that there is hope and refuge from the raging and eternal storm of sociopathy and Entropy.

Acts of kindness and inclusion will always be radical, rebellious, and political acts within an Entropic universe.

James O’Neill, The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems

5. Mass Movement for Organization Required for Syntropic Movements to Be Successful

We’re not outnumbered. We’re out organized.

Malcolm X (Organization of Afro-American Unity, 1964)  

Entropic political and social movements such as conservatism and neoliberalism will always have an organizational advantage when it comes to politics because they are Entropic ideals. While, getting leftist to do anything is like herding cats, next to impossible to do. This is just how the physics plays out within our social and political systems.

With me saying all of this, I am not being nihilistic or trying to say that positive change is futile or impossible, because it is not. I want this post and these understandings to be a clarion call for massive organization to work towards the Syntropic changes that we all need to make the world a better place.

A white billboard with a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quote "Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war."
A white billboard with a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quote “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”

With all that we have stated here, let us take a look at this famous quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:

Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

…and realize with what we now know from this post, that we need to modify this quote to be something like this:

Those who love peace must learn to organize “an order of magnitude more” effectively than those who love war.

James O’Neill, The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems

In order to get any progress done we first have to start putting in energy and organization just to make up for the Entropy Tax, which means that at the beginning there is no real progress to be had. Then we must keep putting in energy, resources, and time in order to compensate for the continuous application of the Entropy Tax over time. Already, before any progress can even begin, we are already starting behind which can be quite demoralizing. All that work and energy and organization put in with no real progress to show for it. And, with each and every individual Syntropic group and organization going through this same process, there is so much wasted resources, time, and potential, while they are all recreating the wheel, individually paying the Entropy Tax.

We don’t need a second or third political party, or another anti-capitalist movement, etc. What we really need is an overarching organization which can tie all of the Syntropic movements together so that we do not waste resources, data, ideas, or people power so we can work together to accomplish more together than apart, so we can take advantage of economies of scale. This way we can share flyers, ideas, data, research, resources, and work; so we can work together to plan a single global day/weeks(s) of protest, strike, or an information spreading campaign. This is what is really going to be required in order to work towards that 3.5% of the population that is required to potentially have a successful social movement to effectuate real changes in the world.

We need revolution, an organizational revolution to pull us all together to fight against the dominance, darkness, and destruction of Entropic systems, so that life on this planet (including us humans) may grow and flourish within Syntropy.

6. Change Managing the Death of a Phoenix

When first we start to create something Syntropic and good, we must first acknowledge and understand, as the saying goes “All good things must come to an end.”, because this is the universal law of Entropy. Whatever you build and put your heart into will eventually breakdown and come to an end, so you must put as much (if not more) heart and work into managing its end with grace and power. When a social movement does eventually implode, and it will because the end of all things is assured due to Entropy, we really need to be prepared to think of change managing its implosion so that something new and more powerful and Syntropic can rise out of its ashes, like the mythical phoenix.

Doing this require an incredible amount of humility, self reflection, radical and brutal honesty in our part in its demise (and its potential future) as we debrief its collapse in real time. Change managing its implosion will require a collective cooperation and agreement that something better can come of it if we choose to learn from it, and perform the hard task of a post mortem analysis and debrief. All of which are difficult to maintain as everything you have built and put your heart in for however long is now coming to an end, stages of grief and all of that (which also needs to be managed).

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