Aerial close up of the city resource center (The Venus Project) Aerial close up of the city resource center (The Venus Project)

What Could the Cities of Tomorrow Under a Resource Based Economy Look Like?8 min read

Globalization Politics Resource Based Economy Sustainable Energy Technology

The world of tomorrow cannot be built upon the infrastructure of yesterday.

James O’Neill


If you do not know what a Resource Based Economy is then you will want to check out my posts below for more information:


Here are some amazing examples of what the cities of tomorrow could look like within a Resource Based Economy courtesy of The Venus Project:



Water Based


Short Videos

Here are some videos from The Venus Project which talk about what cities and housing within a RBE would look like and how they would be constructed:

Here is a quick video titled Housing (1:53) which talks about housing design within a Resource Based Economy:

Housing (The Venus Project)

Next is a not-as-short one titled The Venus Project – Cities (4:38):

Cities, an excerpt from The Future By Design (The Venus Project)

Here is another not-as-short one titled Inside the New Cities (5:28):

Inside New Cities (The Venus Project)

Longer and Official Videos

The Venus Project: Designing the Future (World Lecture Tour Edition) (12:35):

The Venus Project: Designing the Future (World Lecture Tour Edition)
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James O'Neill

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