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New Home for My Blog!1 min read

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Domain Move

So, I have finally moved my blog from its long time home for over a decade ( to its new domain here (, which is where it should have been all along, because my nom de plum all over the interwebs is Free Xenon. Yea! I am so excited. I feel like a just took a shower!

If you want to know about my website history on the interwebs then read About My Blog.

Cleaned Out the Link Spam Hack

I also had to pay to deal with my link spam site hack gremlin too in order to make the move, so I am really glad that this violation of my site is gone! I used Sucuri who dealt with that very quickly!

Site Migration by DreamHost

I had some great help from Dreamhost, my long time domain host of over a decade, I think, who performed the migration seamlessly for me from my personal shared hosting account over to my VPS account.

Dreamhost rocks!

Other Changes?

There have not been any other major changes made, but with the new VPS host my blog should seem a little snappier. I know I have felt a significant change on the back end which is good to experience.

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James O'Neill

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