Benefits of a Resource Based Economy for Industries and Businesses13 min read


In reading, researching, and writing about a Resourced Base Economy (RBE) over the last year my complete view of the how the world is and how it could be has radically changed. This post will cover how businesses and entire industries could be transformed while attempting to make the world a better place by attempting to fix unbridled capitalism towards a more ethical model for businesses.

The end result for manufacturing, businesses, and research is beyond what we would define as businesses or even government, because it transcends these, and eventually requires the end of capitalism and its horrors, so thinking of business in a way that is outside how capitalism defines it can be a difficult feat. If you have not read my previous posts on Resource Based Economies and watched those documentaries then you may want to do that, so that you have the background to understand what I am talking about. Here are links to those posts:

The High Level Look

Lets take a high-level look at what the end result of a Resource Based Economy would look like with respect to businesses and entire industries world-wide. The desired result would be a holistic and completely automated intelligent global resource management system which would remove humans from the process as much as is practicable. Keep in mind that there is much, much more to this than what I list below, but this will get you started at the sort of end-game we are aiming for.

  1. All patents, plans, research, designs, etc will all be open, not only to everyone in the specific industry, but also to everyone in the world, so that the most advanced, efficient, durable, modular, and safest designs and products will be created while the other research and designs can be used as something to learn from and to improve. This will also allow the industry to benefit from the ingenuity by broadening public access and input.
  2. A centralized yet distributed portal shall be created to allow for the entire global industry to share, learn, and work together effectively unionizing them globally and creating a global education and certification network for that industry as well as an in-industry social network.
  3. This will also allow us to benefit from the innovation and practices of the entire global industry, their research, and their innovations, so we can find the best practices, increase efficiency, and solve long standing industry problems. A specific problem can be put out to the industry for comment and solutions. Solutions can have data gathered and tested. Then the best practices can be assembled to solve a solution for all designs world-wide.
  4. All businesses within an entire industry will be merged and centralized into one decentralized global production and research and development system.
  5. A global reporting and management system will be created to manage sensors, data, resources, production, delivery, etc for that industry and then it will be tied to the other industries as well as regional and local management systems, expert systems, and AI.

This process will allow humanity to know exactly what their resource, production and demand requirements are world-wide, and will be able to manage the world’s resources to provide for humanity in the safest and most efficient way possible, which would also minimize or eliminate waste.

Now, this could be attempted locally such as through a county or city with not so much success due to lack of scale and lack of political power, I expect. Such changes need a much broader scope to really make a difference such as state-wide or nation-wide, or internationally, if at all possible.

The Many Steps to Start the Process

Uniting an industry business-by-business is going to be a long and difficult process because of fear, competition, and profit. What I list below will be just some of the many steps of this process and are just the things that come to my mind if I were to think of what would be needed to be done in order to attempt to move us to this better world. A primary problem with unbridled capitalism that it is unbridled; unbridled from ethics or conscience, and primarily powered by greed and competition, and the destruction of the environment and the murder of the innocent. This is what we will need to correct in order for humanity to make real progress as a species by stopping the conscienceless depredations of unbridled capitalism. In my next post titled How Do We Transform Unbridled Capitalism Towards a New Ethical and Eco-humanistic Model? I will list the 3 most important steps which could powerfully kick off this process.

Meetings Galore: This process will require many, many, many meetings, work groups, cooperatives, and so on so that every part of the industry can have their word heard on what is happening to ensure everything is implemented as it should be. Meetings and work groups will be needed for:

  1. Internal Vision, Ethics, and Philosophical Operational Models  – Implementing these throughout every single facet of each industry will make perhaps more difference than about anything else in this list, because it will fundamentally shift the focus of the industry away from the horrors of predatory capitalism (profit no matter the cost to humanity or the environment) and towards an eco-humanistic socioeconomic business model where the cost to humans and the environment matter and are central to the industry, its processes, and its decisions.
    • Philosophical Changes – integrate ethical and philosophical practices using such things as:
    • Integrate Sustainability 
      • environmental and sustainability studies and reports prior to any project
      • studies and reports about how the process will affect humans prior to any project
      • integrated sustainability and environmental remediative practices throughout the full life-cycle: from resource gathering and production to end-of-life recycling.
    • Economic
      • full healthcare
      • plenty of vacation and sick time
      • low income disparity
      • I cover a lot of the needed changes in my policy site: Interstellar New Deal
  2. Human Resources  – This is important because we will better utilize the workers we have and will help to prevent the issues of CEO and managers from having absurd compensation practices while the workers live in poverty and rely on government assistance to live.
    • shifting to a worker owned and completely unionized cooperative business entities
    • set requirements for industry-wide skills evaluation, education, training, certification, and apprenticeships with an emphasis on interdisciplinary educational methods and models.
      • creation of databases, portals, websites to manage and allow access not only to members, but to the public as well to increase public’s knowledge and to freely allow access to knowledge to all of humanity
    • human resource survey so the industry knows what all skills are available in the work pool that are not just industry related – everything from singing and foreign languages, to evolutionary sciences and philosophy, and everything in between. This may help with a more interdisciplinary design and education process.
    • evaluation and improving of safety standards for workers and for the product’s use
  3. Industry Technology and Research
    • universal free access of industry’s technology, research, and designs for personal use, while commercial use would be charged to help support the industry and move it forward
    • research, patent, and design evaluation, vetting, and sharing to find the best and most promising ones to create a powerful technological baseline for the industry to start with
    • define and improve standards for just about everything created, recycled, shipped, etc
    • evaluate ways to increase use of automation, 3D printing, AI, and other technological advances to progress the industry forward
    • standards for needed sensors and data recording and access
    • create a standards for the unification of robotic and AI automation which includes a fully automated process for creation of product as well as recycling of product
    • The techniques, methods, and systems of the market leaders will form the backbone for the new united industry.
    • creation of databases, portal, and websites to record, share, and access all data, research designs, etc
  4. Moving Forward With RBE
    • create new industry based work cities and centers based on The Venus Project city designs to usher in the new age for the industry and move the industries there city by city
    • these cities would house all of the workers of a specific manufacturing and research and development for the industry as well as its families, designed from the ground up to house and support them to be as self-sufficient and sustainable as possible.
    • The city itself would most likely have exports and methods of making money beyond what their primary industry provides which will be needed while capitalism is a thing, with the most likely extra exports being: energy, food, hemp based products, research, designs, and education, possibly even access to advanced 3D printing, flexible robotic manufacturing, AI, and research centers.

Transformational Clarification

When thinking about this and the needed transitionary steps to get us started in this process, I should also make clear that the focus here is NOT to:

  • create a government takeover of industries (i.e. communism)
  • merge all businesses with a single industry into a single company (supranational monopoly)

My wording may seem this way, but neither is a desired end result. We are looking to create a unified research and development, and production backbone from which the entire industry (and humanity) can draw from and utilize. Take a look at my example below so you can understand the power behind this process.

Example: Auto Industry

Essentially, with the changes above, the general infrastructure and IP for all industries is globalized and unionized so that all can share the knowledge, data, designs, and infrastructure. An individual business will still be making the cars they want, but they will have the benefit and backing of the entirety of the global research, designs, and tests to have the safest and most advanced car as possible for the lowest possible cost using most efficient methods known.

Example: Let’s start with the automobile industry as an example. Let say we have the following proprietary tech advances developed by the following companies who are the only ones who have access to those advancements:

  • a company in China has a modular body design
  • a company in America has a steering system
  • a company in Brazilian has an advancement in body extrusion
  • a company in Finland has advances in fuel cell efficiency
  • a company in Chinese has advancements in fuel
  • a company in Japan has advancements in flexible robotic based design and production
  • a company in Norway has advances in virtual design and analysis, as well as 3D printing
  • a company in bolivia has an amazing material that works great for internal safety systems
  • when combining tech from China and the US we have a powerful autonomous system and controls;
  • … and so on.

Instead of each company greedily hoarding and viciously protecting their proprietary advances so that only they benefit from it, we share and combine all of these global advancements into one (really several) chassis and design methodology shared by all of the car manufacturers in the world, which will quickly result in the safest and most advanced cars in the world, as well as the most efficient production process.

Now, once that is done, each company will have access to all of that tech and research as well as a new and efficient base chassis with all of the above tech from all of the companies as a default part of the system. Each company can already start with that amazing combination of technology and move forward with designing the rest of the car. Each design improvement that is added through more research and tech advancements making the base chassis design better from research and ideas all around the world.

If there is a promising new tech or material in Spain, then a few companies around the world can agree to test it to see how well it holds up for consideration in updating the base designs. They may find out in the process of testing that the material will be more useful in cars which operate in moderate to colder climes and helps specifically to combat a specific problem. This could be added as an alternate form of that base chassis that companies could use for making cars to be sold or used in that situation or climate.

Each base chassis design (smart car, sedan, van, truck, etc) will be similar from a structural point, but the exterior and the internal components beyond that could be different. This standardization will decrease the cost to produce cars, decrease the training needed to fix cars and well allow for cheaper parts and maintenance because they are all essentially the same structurally for those universal and modular systems, which also makes it easier to automate production and maintenance. Another byproduct of this process would be to get all of humanity to an all electric (non-fossil fuel based) standard for all transportation globally, because all plans, designs, and research are shared so all would have access to these global research and designs. We only have everything to gain by embracing this process.

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