To most everyone your credit report only becomes significant during important times of your life. Such as when you are getting a loan, a credit card, or even better.. a mortgage. My credit history has been on my mind since, oh, about March 12, 1999. Because I am in the process of looking to buy a home I have started to look at my credit report and realized that I am looking at it a little bit late.
I will pass a little bit of interesting information to you now, so that you can help yourself. The FTC reuires that you are able to receive a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months. You will be directed to to obtain a copy of credit reports that are tracked via 3 different companies. Could their reports all be different. Yes they could be. Are they the only credit reporting companies out there. No they are not, but this should give you a good idea as to what is on the other reports. I have been denied credit based off inaccurate credit report from CSC Credit Services.
It’s free so go out and get it to protect yourself. It cannot hurt!
Personally, my own experience has been not to worship at the alter of the credit score. I find it best to pay for things in cash.