Christmas and Beyond2 min read


Christmas has come and gone as quickly as the agonizing preparation for that single day did not take. Somehow we decided what to buy for who. We endured shopping the day after Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas and those are tiring and stressful moments. It’s either that or I am getting old! Hmmmm!!! Presents have been bought and exchanged. Family fun, order food, and laughter has been had and now the season and year shall wind down and end with a huge bang for New Years.

Christmas was spent with my family and there was a lot of food and games to be had. We played some Play Station, ping pong, and (yes we had time for) 2 games of Axis and Allies – one on Christmas Eve and one the Day of Chirstmas. I will be the first one to tell you that I am tactically challenged and each game proves that. I do however learn something from it and my tactics change accordingly.

Our eyes and thoughts are very much on the near future: house buying, visas, schools/training for my wife, and a trip to Belarus. We are in the process of looking at my credit history, arranging for a mortgate, and having a realtor look for houses. There is so much to do and think about for our future plans.

The Past Year

The last year was also filled with many things to reflect and remember. I have spent a lot of time with friends from Belarus who have now gone home. Relationships have changed and been challenged. I have married and am looking forward to our futures together. We have traveled across the United States seeing many, many national parks. The past 3 years I have lived my life and every moment for my girls most of which have now gone home to Belarus, and I have married one of them. Now I look to living every moment for us.

The future is the past as it is reflected in the moment.

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