An screen cap of Professor Jason Hickel (background extended by generative AI) speaking. In the top right there is the following quote in white letters: “A liberated Palestine means a liberated Middle East. A liberated Middle East means capitalism in the Core really faces a crisis and they will not let that happen.” Along the bottom of the image also in white letters is the following: "Professor Jason Hickel of the University of Barcelona " and "".

Transcript of Jason Hickel: Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism (Transnational Institute, Oct 2024)

“We’re in this incredible paradox where the world economy is just massively productive .. And, yet the vast majority of the human population lives in conditions of massive deprivation.”

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Drake gesturing away: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari Drake smiling an pointing to: The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber (anthropologist) and David Wengrow (archaeologist)

The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber (anthropologist) and David Wengrow (archaeologist)

Introduction Since there are memes being passed around Facebook about the book “The Dawn of Everything” vs “Sapiens”, here are my comments from my read of this book a few years ago. I have not read Sapiens yet, so I will not comment on that, although it seems I need to sooner than later. I. […]

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Entropy and Scarcity within Human Social Systems v2.0 This is a work in progress. What I posit here is descriptive and NOT prescriptive. This flow chart, which flows left to right is broken down into 3 main parts which are as follows: Physics (4 parts which make 4 steps), Evolutionary Psychology (2 parts which make 1 step), and Historical Sociocultural Weight and Entropic Bias (2 parts which make 1 step) with arrows pointing to each step. Physics (left most section with 4 steps) The foundational reading for this section can be found within my post "The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems". Another post relevant to this topic is "The Tension within Methods of Exchange". 1. Systems Theory and the Interdependence of All From the First Law of Thermodynamics, A.K.A. The Law of Conservation of Energy, we learn that all things within the universe are one Interdependent and interconnected system, therefore the lens through which we should look and think about all things is Systems Theory. 2. Inviolable Law of Breakdown, Separation, and Change From the Second Law of Thermodynamics, AKA Entropy, when combined with the First Law of Thermodynamics from above, we learn that Entropy is only ever increasing, that break down, separation, and change are inviolable laws. 3. Systemic Bias Towards Entropy Because all things are Interdependent and Entropy is always increasing, this continuously pushes all things towards diffusion, separation, and breakdown, which means that reality has an Entropic bias. Entropy is the path of least resistance, therefore it is always easier to destroy than it is to create. 4. Scarcity (Entropy) Because Entropy will only ever increase over time, Scarcity, as a form of Entropy, will only ever increase over time. 5. Evolutionary Psychology (center section with 1 step and 2 options) Scarcity Triggers Male Predisposition for Competition, Tribalism, Sociopathy, and Violence Within environmental Scarcity males tend to be more dominant because they are physically larger and stronger and because these conditions trigger their evolutionary psychological predisposition towards competition (from competing for mates) which is an Entropic action. This then opens up the door for them to engage in more Entropic and separative actions such as: tribalism, violence, exploitation, and patriarchy. Males tend to be less dominant within environmental abundance. Abundance Triggers Female Predisposition for Egalitarianism, Cooperation, and Sharing Within environmental Abundance females tend to be more dominant because they are the life-givers (Syntropy) and because these conditions trigger their evolutionary psychological predisposition for cooperation and sharing. Tendencies towards Syntropic systems and results. Females are less dominant within environmental scarcity. 6. Historical Sociocultural Weight and Entropic Bias (right section with 1 step and 2 options) Scarcity to Abundance If a culture has been competitive and tribal (Entropic) for a long time due to resource scarcity, and then resource abundance manifests (Syntropy), it will take a long time for abundance to potentially wear down the current Entropic societal organization. Although, that might also never happen because of reality’s bias towards Entropic systems, ideals, and results. If the shift eventually does happen, then it will most likely only happen with extreme violence and devastation (Entropic movement) or, less likely, through a massive organized and peaceful social movement (Syntropic movement). Abundance to Scarcity If a culture has been cooperative and egalitarian for a long time (Syntropic) due to resource abundance, and then resources scarcity manifests (Entropy), it will take a while for scarcity to tear down that current Syntropic societal organization, but eventually it will (sooner than later) because of reality’s bias towards Entropic systems, ideals, and results. It is not a matter of IF it happens, but when it happens. Copyright © 2023 James O’Neill,

Entropy, Scarcity, and Patriarchy within Human Social Systems: the Rough Cut

Introduction I have shared text like this a few times over the past year and have had to retype it a few times after not being able to find where I last wrote it which is beginning to annoy me. So, now I am adding it as a blog post so I do not have […]

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The ADHD Iceberg by Finuccni Alfredo What people think ADHD is: trouble focusing and fidgeting What ADHD really is: * difficulty maintaining relationships * depression * difficulty following and maintaining conversations * fidgeting * sensory processing disorder * financial problems * anxiety * uncontrollable fidgeting * poor sense of time * 'all or nothing' * trouble recalling commonly used words * sleeping problems * hyperfixations * auditory processing disorder * executive dysfunction * inability to focus even if there are no distractions * poor impulse control * mood swings * rejective sensitive dysphoria * losing items relentlessly * forgetting to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom * difficulty switching tasks or inability to stick to one * problems focusing on things even if they are of interest * choice paralysis * trouble regulating emotions * chronic unemployment * forgetting thoughts 0.2 seconds after having them

My Journey into ADHD! (2023)

Introduction My daughter (age 14) and I (age 49) were recently diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in February 2023 and April 2023 respectively, and I am very excited for both of us. Now that we know that we are part of the neurodiverse community we can begin to work towards understanding ourselves better and […]

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Debunking the Meme on Federal Spending, Debt, and Debt Ceiling

Debunking the Conservative Meme on Federal Spending, Debt, and Debt Ceiling

Introduction A conservative family member quite a while ago (Oct 2021) posted the below meme and I need to explain why this meme is completely wrong and devastating to 99% of the people within this country (U.S.), the peasant class. I feel bad about how long this has taken me finish this, at least 2 […]

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The Tao of Entropy (expanding) and Syntropy (contracting)

The Tao of Entropy and Syntropy within Human Social Systems

In this post we will discuss the Conservation of Energy as well as looking at Entropy and Syntropy and how they apply to human social systems and human civilization in our effort to maintain our societies, economies, and the environment. This is really getting into interdisciplinary thinking, specifically the intersection of the laws of physics as they apply to human social systems.

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Thumbnail for: Free Xenon was Interviewed by Cooperation Paradigm on Tue, 3 Jan 2023. The interview is titled "On Politics, Religion, Sexuality, Resource Based Economies, and More with James O'Neill". The left side shows Free Xenon and the right side shows Cooperation Paradigm.

Free Xenon’s Interview by Cooperative Paradigm (Tue, 3 Jan 2023)

Introduction I was very fortunate to have been interviewed by Cooperative Paradigm on Tue, 3 Jan 2023. You can find more about Cooperative Paradigm here: A transcript will be coming eventually. If anyone wants to do it for me. I am more than happy to post it. I will also post an edited version of […]

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Return from the Ocean by Free Xenon (24 Dec 2022) – My First Track

Introduction I have been wanting to start attempting to make music for a while, especially to create music for our yoga studio. I finally gave it a twirl while I was creating a romantic video for my wife as a Christmas present. A part of that process was creating this as background music for the […]

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Crazy eyed guy in dress pants and shirt with stripped tie in front of a pin board full of papers with pins with red string connecting various points through the papered mess. Related accessibility words are overlain upon the image with random alignments and positioning.

Accessibility Auditing is Harmful for the Web: A Clarion Call for Systemic Change in Our Approach as Accessibility Advocates and Auditors

This post will go over the issues with accessibility auditing as an industry standard, and I will make a call for larger order systemic change in the industry, so that we can solve the web’s accessibility issues relatively “quickly” – in five or so years.

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Circular Ocean Community (The Venus Project)

Quick Resource Based Economy Q&A from Facebook (Feb 2022)

Introduction Here is another quick post answering questions from someone on Facebook who is asking the age old questions about a Resource Based Economy (RBE) that are typically being asked of those who are just beginning their journey into RBE, and need to know just how the hell this thing is going to work. These […]

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the left and Barak Obama on the right.

Embrace MLK, Reject Barack Obama. Why Leftists Need to Challenge the Scourge of Black Neoliberalism by Nick Cruse

I came upon this amazing article “Embrace MLK, Reject Barack Obama. Why Leftists Need to Challenge the Scourge of Black Neoliberalism by Nick Cruse” through Twitter, because I follow the guy, Nick Cruse SocialistMMA. Please take the time to follow him on Twitter and to read his great article. Here is a quote to get […]

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Greta Christina speaking at Skepticon 4 in 2011

Why Are You Atheists So Angry? by Greta Christina from Skepticon 4 in 2011 (Video)

Introduction About This Post This video is important enough that I have embedded it in my post Religion, an Overview (Oct 2018). Greta Christina’s presentation has an important enough of a message that I wish to to maintain it for posterity, just in case the video is eventually removed. This video was important just because […]

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UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland in Nov 2021, in partnership with Italy

The Glasgow Climate Pact from COP26

Introduction A. Document Overview Working towards saving Humanity and all life on this planet from extinction being the most important global work that needs to be done. However, as my words here will show, this 8 page “agreement” is utterly devoid of providing anything relevant that needs to be done by being exemplary of the […]

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